Here is my final Inktober drawing. Already, due to its subject matter the image "feels" somewhat out of season. Maybe if I added a campaign sticker....then again what type of candidate would a toddler vote for with an Abby Normal brain... Please, no need to answer that question.
If you liked any of the images I created and want to support my work, please feel free to do so. There are a number of ways. As someone who doesn't like and share...I would say only share this and other posts if you feel they are worth sharing.
Second, check out my Patreon and think about donating. My Patreon link is:
Third, I do have some prints and merchandise available at a couple of different locations. They are located here:
And my Redbubble shop is located here:
There will be more merchandise going to these places as well as to my website store...after I sit down and figure out how to make it work.
I hope those of you that took the time to look at my work enjoyed it. Drop me a line sometime, give me some feedback, would love to hear your thoughts. What you liked, didn't like, what you want to see more of/less of/or maybe are even sick of.